Our Mission
We believe everyone should have access to safe, accessible, and well-maintained public parks.
Halibut Point State Park, Rockport
Mass Parks for All (MPA) is a statewide non-partisan, non-profit 501(C)(3) charitable organization with a 21st-century vision for our public lands.
Our state park system, with 500,000 acres under Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) management, features a multitude of environmental, recreational, cultural, and historic assets that provide us with physical and emotional benefits and contribute significantly to our efforts to mitigate climate change and support our multi-billion-dollar outdoor economy.
MPA seeks to transform these essential assets into a connected green and blue network for all modes of travel that is universally accessible, as well as environmentally and economically equitable. Every person in the Commonwealth deserves adequately staffed, clean, safe, accessible, and well-maintained parks that provide recreational opportunities for all. We encourage public-private partnerships to help achieve these goals. We expect our shared parks, forests, beaches, trails, and recreational facilities to be well-funded, protected, and managed based on the best available practices and science for all to enjoy in perpetuity.
We are driven by three goals:
A state park system facing a $1.0 billion deferred maintenance backlog is ill-equipped to serve the Commonwealth’s citizens. We can close the gap with a unified vision for returning our state parks to a state of functionality.
Gateway cities and Environmental Justice communities have not had the state support necessary to expand public parks. An inventory of open spaces can identify areas that are lacking and help build capacity to reclaim public access.
To unlock the benefits of public parks and open space, they need to be accessible. All state parks must be connected via a safe and reliable network of pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and public transportation.